photo of New York CORE member James Peck, beaten for being a Freedom Rider

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  • photo of New York CORE member James Peck, beaten for being a Freedom Rider

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photo of New York CORE member James Peck, beaten for being a Freedom Rider


New York CORE members


This is a photo of New York CORE member James Peck. He was 46 years old at the time.

According to Marv Rich, "After the first bus of Freedom Riders was burned in Anniston, Alabama, a second bus proceeded to Birmingham only to be met by a mob." This is where Peck was beaten. As a result, he required at least 53 stitches. He has become one of the most well known members not just of the Freedom Rides but of CORE.

My thanks to James Robinson and Sheila Michaels for confirming membership in New York CORE when it was uptown.


Joseph M. Chapman


Joseph M. Chapman




Joseph M. Chapman, "photo of New York CORE member James Peck, beaten for being a Freedom Rider," in Harlem CORE, Item #183, (accessed March 28, 2025).